Get Upside Down




Flyer Base Spotter
Connect hands in peace finger grip and walk to the side from which you want to cartwheel in. Connect hands in peace finger grip (your flyer standing close to your head and walking to one side. Stand on the side of bases legs in goddess pose.
Stand sideward on the height of Bases legs relatively close and let Base place their Foot close to your hip. Aim to place your foot sideward on Flyers leg directly under the hip bone Cross your arms while spotting Flyers hips in a way that they are uncrossed again once Flyer reaches straddle bat pose (different for both sides).
Breath in slightly lean & pull outwards to show Base the tempo. Then lean in (no jumping) thereby pushing Bases leg into axis. Keep your arms relaxed neither pulling nor pushing your Flyer. Let Flyer lean in and thereby push your leg in axis. Once you are in axis push your leg up to straight – timing is key here. Follow Flyers hips and have your arms under Flyers legs once in straddle bat.
Make the leg closer to the ground heavy and keep both legs straight. Either straighten your arms and let Flyer rest in Tic Toc position for a moment or directly let Flyer come down to straddle bat position catching Flyer at the other hip.
Either straighten arms and stay in Tic Toc pose for a moment or dynamically dive down into straddle bat position (Thereby try to move your legs “like a helicopter” offering your Base a platform to receive your hips and not “like a rainbow”). To Cartwheel out: slightly bend the leg on the side you want Flyer to go out and slowly straighten opposite arm.
The more you press into your arms while going down the more control you find in that transition. Either rest in Tic Toc position for a moment or let Flyer down directly.
To cartwheel out: Base initiates the move by bending the leg on the side you are about to go out, therefore you need to straighten the opposite arm, and bringing both legs to the “exit side”.. To go up on the left leg, bend the left knee and keep the right leg straight.
Either stay in Tic Toc pose for a moment or directly step to the ground dynamically. Wait for flyer to push up on this side, straighten the left leg once flyer is up and keep arms straight. Create strong lins with the arms.